This is Mike and Rhiannon. While pondering our future *as we are both in our 30's now, we began to discuss some dreams, aspirations and desires. Quickly, we realized that we wanted more than the "ordinary life." All our lives we have been taught what most people in western culture are taught and that is we go to school, to get a good job, to pay for the house and the car ( nice vacations and etc if and when you might have time and the money to enjoy them) and buy yourself what you want, when you want it ( credit cards are great!) As I ( Rhiannon) have spent the last 4 years paying off my credit card debt, I realized that this isn't quite the future that I thought it would turn out to be. I also realized that I spend a lot of time dreaming about a better tomorrow. I want to be free to go do, see, experience and share God's love with others. Being tied to my work and never having any free time to do these things weighs heavily on me. I know that we are meant for more and I know that working to buy more things, won't bring me happiness.
After some prayer and research, the thought of RV'ing full time came about. Surprisingly, 1.5 million other American's have adopted this style of life as well. This also all came about when I started a project by Jon Acuff about punching fear in the face and daring to dream! I'm not sure where all of this will lead, but Mike and I are in the planning stages of trying to figure out what it will mean for us.
Is it scary? You bet! Anytime you step outside of your comfort zone it's scary, but the things in this life that are worth it, usually take a bit of trust, blind faith and a big jump into the unknown! We have told a few people about what is on our hearts, and the response hasn't been what we thought. We have gotten "Wow! I'd love to be able to do that! How awesome!" Honestly we thought we might be met with "Are you all crazy?!" And we might be crazy, but we don't want to wait, not follow our hearts and our dreams and regret that later. If we set off, find it's not for us, or if we fail miserably, we can at least say that we tried!
Ideally, we'd love to sell our house, get a travel trailer and tow vehicle and set off. (If you know anyone wanting some furniture or a house, let us know!)
We would also love it if we could combine my hearts longing for a traveling ministry as well. This is where you all come in. We need your prayers to make sure we follow God's calling on our lives and fulfill our destiny in Christ.
Also, I'm trying to embrace my other loves for photography, art and writing. Before the big adventure, I'll be trying to make as much money on the side as I can, so if you have any photography needs, please let me know! :) Also, we'll be setting up a kickstarter and a paypal so if anyone would like to help us along the way, we'll be getting that all going soon.
We love you all and thank you for reading all this! Here's to more adventures for all of us! Cast off the bow lines of fear and embrace this life! It's the only one we have and we are all meant for so much more!
You can follow us here on this blog and keep up with our adventures! Love you all!
I Admire both of will be in my prayers during your journey! I wish you both the best of luck! if you are ever in VA near fredericksburg/Washington DC area and need anything please let us know we would be happy to help in anyway!!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! We really appreciate it! And we might look you up if we are in the area. Even if we could just park in your driveway for the night or something and catch up! God bless you all!