Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Love people, not things.


 Love people, not things. This theory sounds great, but what I've come to realize is that this idea is up against a lot of competition; especially in American culture. Everyday we are bombarded with the allure of things. Commercials, TV shows, radio and print ads, comparing with our friends, the list goes on and on. We are at the center of people wanting to know what we want and how to get us to buy it.

     I'm finding more and more what I want are not things that can be purchased. It's a cup of coffee with a friend; a genuine conversation with someone about their life and what Jesus means to them; the satisfaction of giving at the local shelter and spending time with those who are desperate for love. These are the things that the world needs; we need, and yet, no one is advertising these things. Why? There's no money to be made in the simple, free act of helping someone out. There's no money to be made when you give you time and money and efforts to the lost and hurting. We have become blinded as a society to the pain in hurt in the world around us. Whether we have knowingly put on the blinders ourselves, or we just have never known any different, we are blind.

Matthew 25:44-45
44 "They also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?' 45 "He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'

Acts 20:35 
35 In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'

     I think that if we all tried to do something everyday, not for ourselves and not because we had to, we could made a radical impact on this world in the name of Jesus. His entire ministry was devoted to loving others, teaching others, helping others. It's easy to stand in our pretty air conditioned churches on Sunday's and say we want to be like Jesus, but do we really? I challenge all of us to look to the needs of others, to reach out and do something selfless for someone in need. The face of need also isn't always obvious. We need to ask God to make our hearts tender to see the needs around us. I know I am guilty of a prayer life that is very centered on me. God I need this, can you help me with that, I want this...I need to be more open to how God can truly use me to accomplish His mission of spreading His gospel to everyone! 

     Lord, open my heart, help me to more focused on you and the hurting around me. I am blessed beyond measure God. I have food, shelter, transportation and more. There is so much I can give Lord, please, show me the way Lord! Everyday is a new day, a new chance to try again Father. If I fail today, please help me to do better the next day. I am blessed to have a new chance to serve you. Let me not take You for granted oh Lord! There are so many extraordinary things in my life that I see as common, but of Father, they are far from that! Instill in me your sense of wonder God, your purpose, and help me to see the vastness of your knowledge and your kingdom Father! I want you first Lord, above all else. You need to have the priority in my life. Life gets messy, it's hard. Somedays, I'm so completely absorbed in how I will get through the day and I worry it away. I worry about things that haven't come yet, I worry about what could come, or that it won't come! Take this from me Lord and give me your love and peace instead. Instead of fretting and worrying ( which accomplish NOTHING) Help me Father to love and share instead. It's easy to wish for these things God, and yet it's so easy and human nature to stay safe, comfortable and to not move. I'm tired of not moving God. I want to move, shake things up, set this world on fire in your Holy Name! Thank you for loving me God, and help me to extend that love to others. 

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